About Us

I’m Karen- Intuitive Energy Healer, Wealth and Abundance Coach, Business Strategist, and Author.
We all desire to live fully into our most abundant, healthy, and impactful life; I am here to help you remove the energetic blocks that are preventing you from reaching your greatest potential and success.
I work with visionary leaders, businesses, healers, veterans, and individuals who want to bring their life’s callings and dreams into fruition. We pair the practical and the energetic to get you super charged results that work!
Everything around us is energy and this energy can get mis-aligned due to many factors, including stress, trapped emotions, negative thinking, or past traumas.
These misalignments, which we call trapped emotions, can lead to “dis-ease” in our spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical bodies. This impacts our relationships with others and our ability to create wealth and abundance. It can affect our physical well-being, our emotional stability, our happiness and joy, and our Spiritual connections.
By gently, quickly, and easily releasing these energetic blockages, we can feel lighter, happier and freer. We gain clarity, confidence, peace, and hope. As we feel more empowered, we are more in sync with our intuition, and give and receive more abundance in all areas. We help create the results in every session where clients feel greater harmony and balance, more peace with themselves, and more empowered to achieve their goals. As we live in a more natural flow state with life energy, we are no longer carrying the same heavy burdens, we are more creative and intuitive, decisions become easier to make, or new paths of opportunity come our way. We feel more joy and happiness, are more open to other people and the paths to our dreams. Some people even experience real shifts in their physical discomfort as well!
I personally have experienced these powerful life changing effects of energy healing. I spent a very successful 21 year career as an executive in a Fortune 100 companies. I was traveling the world, working on contract negotiations for real estate, business development, business unit growth and profits, and more.
Despite my personal success, I still felt plagued by this deep sense of unworthiness and I often had unexplained physical pain such as deep shoulder tension, overwhelming stress, and limiting beliefs that prevented me from living out my most precious dreams. I had read all the self -help books, spent hours with coaches, mentors, and classes, but nothing seemed to create any permanent difference or advancement. Only prayer and my connection to God seemed to make any noticeable difference.

As I began to listen more to my intuition, God provided me with the Emotion Code and Body Code through a trusted friend and mentor. After releasing so many trapped emotions, two Heart Walls, and multiple other energetic misalignments, I felt so FREE. I felt my personal power increasing, a much deeper intuitive sense that had been suppressed, and much more joy and happiness. Physical pain and tension disappeared as I discovered the mind/body energy connections. I finally was able to have the courage to leave corporate America and eventually step into my God given callings as an entrepreneur.
It is my great joy to help people, including CEO’, business people, doctors, farmers, families, and more, all over the world with these powerful, life changing methods of the Emotion Code and Body Code. I specialize in pairing the energetic with the practical to create real shifts in people’s lives. Watching my clients completely transform their lives, businesses, and successes quickly, easily, and painlessly re-affirms to me that we truly can change our lives for the better!
Why not join me today with a FREE 15 minute call so we can change YOUR life for the better?
Why should you listen to me?
I was a stressed out executive working in corporate America and I always felt blocked, challenged, and unworthy. It was difficult to trust myself and I felt like I constantly had to get chiro adjustments and massages to reduce muscle tension, release stress buildup, and more. While these practices benefited me, I still couldn’t seem to get to the source of the problem. I was dissatisfied in my work and knew there was more for me, but I seemed blocked at every turn from achieving my goals and creating the life I desired. Then a trusted mentor introduced me to the Emotion Code and Body Code and I knew it was the missing link in my healing journey!
What’s in it for you?
Maybe you feel the same way I did or are experiencing lots of stress, physical discomfort, a roller coaster of emotions or feeling no emotion at all, or experiencing mental chaos. The EC/BC and help remove trapped emotions and the manifestations of misalignments in our bodies. This reduces stress, tension, increases general well -being, and brings more joy and hope. It’s also long lasting and permanent in many cases! Are you ready to release your blockages today? It’s quick, easy, and painless; let’s change your life for the better today!